Sell Your Timeshare Without Upfront Fees
Important Aspects for Selling a Timeshare
Timeshares can be an amazing way to take annual vacations, but as the number of timeshare owners increases, the number of owners who want to sell a timeshare also increases. Like any ownership product, the time eventually comes when an owner decides to sell, so we’ll go over the important information sellers need to know when thinking about selling their timeshare.
Owners sell for a variety of reasons. It could be that the family dynamics have changed and the kids have grown up and moved on to take their own vacations. Perhaps your health no longer allows you to take annual vacations. Or the changing finances and increasing maintenance fees mean it’s time to move on and responsibly exit your timeshare.
Millions of people have enjoyed their timeshare over the years, but others feel as though they shouldn’t have purchased a timeshare in the first place. Whatever your motivation, let the professional licensed agents at Timeshare Broker Associates help you navigate the crossroads of timeshare resales.
About 10 million people own timeshare in America, and many are looking to sell, so let’s take a look at how to sell your timeshare without upfront fees.
How to Sell a Timeshare
Timeshare resales can be complex and there are several areas to examine when looking at how to sell a timeshare:
- Establish What You Own. This starts with your documents, whether it is a deeded property, points-based program or a right-to-use ownership. If you cannot find your original purchase document, contact your resort or management company to have them send you confirmation of what you own. You may need to refer to your annual dues or maintenance fee statement for the right contact information to reach out to your resort or timeshare company.
- Review Your Account Status. It is imperative that you keep your account in good standing with your resort. This means keeping your fee payments up to date, since any outstanding fees can jeopardize the sale. Remember, your resort management or timeshare company reviews and ultimately decides whether to approve a sale, so you want them on your side
- Get a Valuation for Your Timeshare. Licensed brokerage agents can provide an accurate market value assessment of your timeshare at no cost to you and price it to sell on the resale market. No need to guess at pricing your property.
- No Need for Upfront Fees. Licensed brokerages such as Timeshare Broker Associates work on commission, so no upfront fees are taken from sellers. Agents are paid after a sale is closed, so you can sell your timeshare without upfront fees.
- Look for a Reputable Resale Company. See if a company has the support of industry associations such as the American Resort Development Association and the National Association of Realtors.
- Patience is a Virtue. It may take weeks or months to sell your timeshare, so be as patient with the process as possible. Some resorts can take as long as 120 days to process a sale.
Can Resorts Sell a Timeshare?
From the resort’s point of view, they are happy collecting the annual fees from current owners and do not really want to get involved in the resale process. This mentality has shifted a bit recently due to economic factors, but the majority of resorts still do not have a comprehensive timeshare resale solution for their owners.
Some owners have simply stopped paying fees because of financial issues, or have declared bankruptcy, thereby giving their timeshare back to the resort. This puts pressure on the resort HOAs because the loss of revenue from these owners is taking a toll on the resort’s operating budgets, leaving less money in reserves for renovations, repairs, and landscaping.
As a result, more resorts are beginning to help their owners sell their timeshare in order to attract new, maintenance fee paying owners. The problem is that most of these programs are not proactive enough in explaining what sellers want to know and recommendations from resale experts like TBA.
The resort may simply have a website to post resales to other owners, but lack the resources to employ licensed sales agents to actively search for buyers. If you want to sell timeshare without upfront fees, your best option is working with resale specialists who understand the market.
Sell a Timeshare By Owner
Just like selling a home, it is possible to sell a timeshare on your own. Unlike selling a home, however, timeshares are very different and require a special understanding about pricing and marketing to find a buyer. There are resources available to people to market to buyers, including advertising websites specializing in timeshares for sale such as,, or Timeshare Adventures.
While these services may be able to help you promote to buyers, you are often left alone without any support when it comes to negotiating with your buyer and transferring title. These services mostly charge upfront fees for marketing your timeshare.
Some caution to never pay an advance fee to sell your timeshare, but there are times where it might make sense if the fee was reasonable and you receive legitimate advertising services. For example, paying “upfront” to a company to sell a timeshare now is different than paying for marketing, similar to placing an advertisement in your local paper. Just remember that the follow up is all on your shoulders.
If you are considering paying for marketing, make sure you do your research on the scope of advertising services provided, as well as the company you are dealing with to make sure their services are legitimate. And get everything in writing, since promises without a written agreement is often how unscrupulous companies operate.
Sell a Timeshare with a Licensed Brokerage
You may have really loved your annual timeshare vacations, but the time comes when owners need to sell a timeshare. Just like in traditional residential or commercial real estate, there are specialty timeshare brokers that work exclusively with timeshare buyers and sellers. These professionals have completed the regulatory requirements and passed their respective state’s licensing requirements to operate in this sector of the real estate market.
Brokers rarely, if ever charge an upfront fee but instead work on a purely commission basis.
Timeshare Broker Associates, LLC is one such brokerage that exclusively works with timeshare sellers and buyers. We are licensed in several states including Florida and specialize in Florida timeshares and points-based ownership. We find buyers through our extensive relationships with other brokers around the country and agreements with a select number of by-owner resale companies to find buyers.
We handle the entire process, from the timeshare listing agreement, negotiating sales and drawing up the timeshare purchase and sale agreements. We even have connections with some of the best title companies in the industry to make sure the title is properly conveyed to the buyer.
Using a Licensed Timeshare Broker is your best option because:
1) No Listing Fees – we do not charge any upfront fees to sell a timeshare. We are paid a commission on the sale after the transfer of ownership!
2) We Do the Work – our agents handle everything from the advertising, negotiating, paperwork and coordinating closing and escrow services with a reputable title company.
3) Licensed and Regulated – we are licensed and accountable under state real estate law.
4) Trusted and Reliable – as a member of ARDA and the National Association of Realtors we are a trusted resource and abide by the strictest ethical standards.
Learn more about how you can sell a timeshare with us by filling out the form on this page or reading below for more information. You're sure to have questions, so let one of our licensed agents help you.
Still wondering “how do I sell my timeshare without upfront fees?”
Give us a call today at 877-624-6889 and we can help explain the process to sell a timeshare and give you an estimate of what your timeshare is worth in today’s market. Use the services of a licensed timeshare broker to ensure your resale goes smoothly.
Selling Your Timeshare FAQ